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South Eastern Railway - COVID-19 Recruitment - Online Walk-In Interview for Pharmacist & Paramedical Staff on 8th April 2020

ONLINE WALK-IN-INTERVEW FOR ENGAGEMENT OF CONTRACT PARA MEDICAL STAFF ON FULL TIME CONTRACT BASIS FOR DIVISIONAL HOSPITAL, SOUTH EASTERN RAILWAY, CHAKRADHARPUR DIVISION In view of Public Health Emergency due to COVID-19 pandemic and Railway Board’s instructions issued vide letter No.2020/E(GR)/II/COVIDF-10/WHF/1 dated 28.03.2020 & 31/3/2020, Chakradharpur Division of South Eastern Railway invites applications through e-mail, for filling up of the following posts on contractual basis in Medical Department of Ckakradharpur Division for a period of 03 (Three) months. Willing and eligible candidates having requisite qualification and fulfilling the age criteria, may upload their application as per prescribed format (Enclosed as Annexure-A) and declaration form (Annexure-B) and send the same to the email address : [email protected] by 22.00 hrs of 06.04.2020.

How to apply and appear for Interview:-
Due to severe restrictions placed on the movement due to enforcement of Lock-Down due to outbreak of COVID -19, the following process shall be adopted:-
The interested Retd. Railway employees and candidates from “Open Market” may submit scanned and signed copy of their application along with bio-data duly filled/signed in the enclosed format along with requisite documents/certificates as mentioned in the application through e-mail on the email address [email protected] on or before 20.00 hrs of 06 .04.2020 (closing date and time). They should also inform through SMS/whats app on the Mobile No. 9771482500 / 9771482605 regarding sending of their application.
A list of received applications shall be put on the website www.ser.indianrailways.gov.in (go to Division > chakradharpur>Notification) by 10.00 hrs of 08.04.2020
The interview of eligible Retired Government Employees/candidates from “Open Market” shall be conducted through Whats app Video Call as per the details below.

For Notification
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